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Big Data, AI and IoT: How are they related?

Big Data, AI and IoT: How are they related? Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Ever since the invention of computers many developments have shaped human lives. The invention of the internet was a landmark achievement which set up the stage for more things that followed. Many would have thought that the internet was the biggest thing ever but it was only a lead-in to developments in the world of big data, AI and IoT.  Big data, AI and IoT have revolutionized the world we live in but what exactly are these terms?

AI, IoT, and big data are among the most talked about topics but still highly misunderstood. The tech jargons has been difficult to grasp for non-tech people but this article sheds a little light on the difference between the three terms, how they are related and how they differ.

The advent of social media and e-commerce led by Facebook and Amazon respectively shook the existing infrastructure. It also altered the general view of data. Businesses took advantage of this phenomenon by analyzing social media behavior through the available data and using it to sell products. Companies began collecting large volumes of data, systematically extracting information and analyzing it to discover customer trends. The word big data then became appropriate because the amount of data was orders of magnitude more than what had previously been saved. Basically, big data are extremely large sets of data which can be analyzed to reveal patterns, associations, and trends by using specialized programs. The main aim of doing so is to reveal people’s behavior and interactions, generally for commercial purposes.

Once the concept of big data had settled in and the cloud became a convenient and economical   solution for storage of huge volumes of data companies wanted to analyze it more quickly and extract value. They needed to have an automated approach for analyzing and sorting data and making decisions based on accurate information by businesses.

To achieve this, algorithms were developed to analyze data which can then be used to make more accurate predictions on which to base decisions.

Cloud’s ability to enable storage coupled with the development of AI algorithms that could predict patterns of data, meant that more data became a necessity and so was the need for systems to communicate with each other. Data became more useful as AI systems began to learn and make predictions.

The internet of things (IoT) is a collection of devices fitted with sensors that collect data and send it to storage facilities. That data is then leveraged to teach AI systems to make predictions These concepts are now making way into our homes as smart homes, smart cars, and smartwatches which are in common use..

In short, big data, AI and IoT are interrelated and feed off each other. They depend on each other for operations as AI uses the data generated by IoT. On the other hand, huge datasets would be meaningless without proper methods of collection and analysis. So yes, big data, IoT and AI are related.

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Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for Big Data & Analytics Tech Brief

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